Jakarta – An ASEAN Queer Advocacy Week (AAW) meeting of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) activists organised by the ASEAN SOGIE Caucus that was to be held in Jakarta has been cancelled.
Documents containing the term 'Anwar Abbas'

Wildan Noviansah, Jakarta – Information about a meeting of all-ASEAN Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) activists in Jakarta this month has caused a commotion. The police are moving to check the truth of the news.

Jakarta – The chairperson of Indonesia's peak Islamic body the Indonesian Ulama Council (MUI), Utang Ranuwijaya, says that Ministry of Religious Affairs and Ministry of Home Affairs Joint Regulation (PBM) Number 9 and 8 of 2006 on the Establishment of

Yohanes Liestyo Poerwoto – Indonesian Ulama Council (MUI) Deputy Chairperson Anwar Abbas has condemned a statement by Coordinating Minister for Security, Politics and Legal Affairs Mahfud MD who said that being Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (

Rina Ayu, Jakarta – Opposition to Coldplay holding a concert in Indonesia has again been raised by Indonesian Ulama Council (MUI) Chairperson for Islamic cultural arts and civilisation, KH Jeje Zaenudin.

Jakarta – Indonesia Ulama Council (MUI) Deputy Chairperson Anwar Abbas is asking that a fan meeting with gay Thai actors and musicians Billkin and PP Krit that is planned to be held in Indonesia be cancelled because they a symbol of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) groups.

Jakarta – Indonesia's peak Islamic body the Indonesian Ulama Council (MUI) has criticised the position taken by the United State which has strongly criticised one of the articles in the recently enacted Criminal Code (KUHP) that regulates cohabitation and sex outside of marriage.

Jakarta – The chairperson of Nahdlatul Ulama's Central Board (PBNU), Ahmad Fahrurrozi, says he does not have a problem with a planned visit by the US Special Envoy to Advance the Human Rights of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer and Intersex (LGBTQI+) Persons, Jessica Stern, as long as she does not campaign for LGBTQI+ rights in Indones

Jakarta – A rainbow flag was flown alongside the Union Jack at the British Embassy in Jakarta on May 17. A number of groups subsequently criticised the flying of the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) flag.

Jakarta – The National Alliance for Criminal Code Reform is demanding transparency from the government and the House of Representatives (DPR) on articles in the Draft Criminal Code (RKUHP) which regulate offences related to Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) practices.

Jakarta – Indonesian Ulama Council (MUI) Deputy Chairperson Anwar Abbas has made a statement strongly criticising the fact that 1 percent of the population controls half of the land in Indonesia. The criticism was even acknowledged by President Joko "Jokowi" Widodo.

Jakarta – The deputy chairperson of the peak Islamic body the Indonesian Ulama Council (MUI), Anwar Abbas, has asked the government to ban the distribution of DC Comics in which Superman is depicted as bisexual.

Jakarta – The Indonesian Ulama Council (MUI) officially appointed its new leadership board for the period 2020-2025 during its 10th National Conference which was held in Jakarta on November 25-27.

Jakarta – The draft law on alcoholic beverages has again attracted public attention after the House of Representatives (DPR) Legislative Body (Baleg) revealed plans to begin deliberating the Draft Law on the Prohibition of Alcoholic Beverages (RUU Minol).

Kanavino Ahmad Rizqo, Jakarta – Indonesian Ulama Council (MUI) Secretary General Anwar Abbas has asked the Indonesian military (TNI) to take a firm position on soldiers who are lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender (LGBT). Abbas said this is simply to safeguard the TNI reputation so it is not destroyed in the eyes of the people.

Ahmad Faiz Ibnu Sani, Jakarta – The general secretary of the Indonesian Ulama Council (MUI), Anwar Abbas, says that the participants of the 7th Indonesian Islamic Ulama Congress see the Draft Omnibus Law on Job Creation as only prioritising the interests of employers and business.

Zunita Putri, Jakarta – The country’s peak religious body, the Indonesia Ulama Council (MUI), supports a program by Demak Regent Muhammad Natsir who issued a circular banning socialising in the lead up to Magrib and Isya evening prayers.

Gumanti Awaliyah, Jakarta – Since June 26, 2015, Starbucks CEO Howard Mark Schultz has supported equality for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) people.
When meeting with Starbucks shareholders, Schultz explicitly invited shareholders who do not agree with same-sex marriage to divest their interests in Starbucks.